ETH has a very good ROS package called multi sensor fusion here. To run its tutorial, we need to follow the steps below
Create a catkin workspace
Create a package called sensor_fusion_comm, and then put all the files in the msf source code into this package, and catkin make
Do the same to create packages ssf_core and ssf_updates
At the catkin workspace folder, launch the node by roslaunch ssf_updates viconpos_sensor.launch, and we need to put the viconpos_sensor_fix.yaml in this folder as well.
To open the gui, use rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure.
In the script to plot, i.e. plot_relevant, rxplot is no longer supported and we have to use rqt_plot. The legend seems could not be changed anymore, and we should delete -b $T -t "position & velocity" -l px,py,pz,vx,vy,vz.
For using your own dataset, first run roslaunch, then open reconfig gui, and then play the rosbag. After some time, we need to hit the init filter for multiple times, and then open the plot to see the output.
We need to run plot_relevant every time we start to run ssf, otherwise there will be no data displayed.
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