Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Deep learning interesting applications


Today I find this, which is exactly what I longed for! It generates a painting from a simple sketch. The style transfer using a portrait by Van Gogh is extremely interesting! A web demo is available at


Check out this live demo for searching topics from BBC news!

Semantic segmentation

A great tutorial for semantic image segmentation from Cambridge is here.

Image annotation

An image annotation web demo is this, but the server is always busy!

Deep learning for object detection and semantic labeling

Here are some good resources I found which use deep learning for object recognition:


I tried darknet and used the tiny weights, it is fun to play with but the labels are limited and the output accuracy is not very high.

As for the semantic labeling, all the available codes seem to use caffe and I could not find any `hello world` example yet.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

matplotlib installation

I am using Ubuntu 14.04, python 2.7.6, and I install matplotlib by sudo apt-get python-matplotlib. But when I import matplotlib, it says "ImportError: No module named matplotlib". It turns out that I have to install all the dependencies as well.

According to here, these steps should be taken

1. Enable Universe repository in software and updates
2. sudo apt-get update 
3. sudo apt-get build-dep python-matplotlib

After these steps, matplotlib still does not work. So I install the Anaconda, which is supposed to provide all the popular dependencies. It turns out that matplotlib still can not be imported. 

After a while, matplotlib suddenly works! As far as I can remember, I performed the numpy and scipy tests, and relaunches the ipython notebook. 

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Latex reference order

When I compile the latex file, I find that the references are not listed in the order of their appearance. I am not sure whether this is because there are citations in the figure caption, and change the bib style to ieee trans does not work.

According to here, this could be addressed by adding the following to the preamble.tex


Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Matlab functions for computer vision

A great resource of matlab functions I encountered is here. Another useful blog that I often consult is this. Moreover, I also refer to this one sometimes.

Deep learning resource lists

At present, deep learning is very very hot, and there are numerous papers for this topic. Here is a resource lists that contains almost all one wants to know about deep learning.

Implicit shape model from RWTH

I have read the paper about an impressive object detector long time ago. Today I found that it was a work from RWTH, where I have visited! Here is the resource of the implicit shape model. The matlab version of the code can be found here.